Tuesday 26 April 2011


Assalamu Alaykum.

Hi and welcome to this blog!

I am a recent revert to Islam, coming from a Catholic background. My mother is a Baptist, and my father is a baptised Roman Catholic, but he is an atheist. I went to a Catholic school for a good few years of my Primary Education, and a year of a Church of England Primary School. Then I was later plunged into a non-religious school, surrounded in the tide of atheists and agnostics that I call my classmates.

It is difficult being a revert. My parents are firm Islamophobes (and for this reason I have not yet told them, although I will insha'Allah). For years, I have been cultivated into feeling nothing short of hate, anger, repulsion and animosity towards Islam. Suffice to say, this is due to a long and well-worn family history.

I remember a funny incident that occurred when I was much younger - I was maybe 9 or 10 years old. I had a huge argument with my father, who was a then constant source of disagreement. After a dreary sermon about the qualities of a good son, I promptly replied that maybe I should just convert to Islam so that he can just hate me all he likes. Little did I know that a few years or so later, the voice of Allah will call me towards Islam, alhamdulillah.

Forward a few years in time. I am sitting in my bedroom, reading the Bible, questions in my mind swarming like flies. The bedside lamp is on, once in a while flickering, as though it were blinking. But my eyes were unblinking. It stood, riveted to the words of the Bible, soaking up words, thoughts, images. Then I picked up my (English) copy of The Holy Qur'an, and did the same. This time the lamp did not flicker. The night was still.

Then I made the decision that has changed my life for the better.

This blog starts here as a way of me communicating and expressing my struggle to become a better Muslim, and I hope that people who read this not only will be willing to help me (Jazaak'Allah if you are!), but also to relate to my stories of everyday life as I try to climb, and keep smiling.

Here starts a new chapter in my life.

I hope it's a good one.


  1. Really, really happy for you! And dude you're such a young convert but I guess if it felt right then most likely than not it is right. Btw I just assumed you were a girl - are you? Seriously I hope Islam becomes everything you expected and so much more and if you wanna get you're name out there (in the blogging sense) I'm sure you'll find so many reverts. Uou're from Leicester so I don't know much about the Muslim/Islam scene there but If you ever start uni (perhaps in London) you'd find so many people who have found Islam in their lives too... You may aswell ignore all that I started rambling anyway what I wanted to say was Mash'Allah I'm happy for you and I hope everything works out in life and that you're parents one day accept your change :D


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah, that was me^ and I meant You're*

  4. Thank you, FL, I am a brother! Haha, actually Islam is becoming more than what I've expected, and yes, I am finding so many reverts! Masha'Allah, God is leading so many of us to Him. My area is pretty scant of Muslims - there are only one in my year group at school aside from me. I'm sure uni will have lots more! :) I cannot wait to meet reverts there, insha'Allah. Jazaak'Allah for the support!
